Another wonderful Mother's Day. My own children were so kind. Natalie sent a very funny Hallmark e-card that was a kick and when you really care you send the very best -- Hallmark. thanks for the laugh. Sean called and I love to hear from my Boy. Keep up all the hard work Sean and don't play to hard. Katey hid post-it notes all over the house in places that I frequent with sweet sentiments written on them. The one on my pillow was a real surprise when it got stuck to my face in the middle of the night. Danielle wrote a beautiful letter to me. You are good girl and I love you too! I scored in the Mom department. I was able to talk to my incredible Mom. She is an amazing woman who is the perfect example of kindness, charity, fun, love, nurturing, amazing cooking and everything else that encompasses the job description of Mother. I love her. We had my Mother-in-law over for dinner. She has the greatest sense of humor and it is always such a pleasure to have her at our home. I love to visit with her. She is a great example in so many ways. I love her, too. This picture is me with my Grandmother, Mom and Natalie and Danielle. My Grandmother is a lovely woman who is a classy lady in every way. And finally, but not leastly Grandmother Helen who was out of town on a great adventure, we missed her at dinner but were so glad she was where she wanted to be. Have a safe trip.
1 comment:
Oh, it's my generation photo!
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