Thursday, November 20, 2008

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday to my Katey Lady! Yes she is a whopping 19 years old. She used to always say she couldn't wait to be old---really old - old like a white haired old lady. I wonder if she still feels that way?

This girl was a precious baby. Always happy.

she can appreciate a good time when she sees one.

She is a great poser and camera hog. (wow the older sister looks intense)

She has a love of life.

She loves to dance and always has, even in a cowgirl outfit.

From the time she could dress herself she has been dressing up......

She is a true blue friend, once you are her friend she will be your friend forever. Here she is with her first friend ever, they meet when they were 0.

She can be fierce when required.

She loves books and reading and writing. She can read to the point of maddness.

She will try any hair style and does.

She is a good sport.

She has the most contagious laugh ever and laughs alot

She has a real flare for the dramatic

She is good to her Momma and her Momma loves her.

She is good to her Dad and he loves her.



Connie H said...

I love ya,

Lynn said...

Happy Birthday Katey. What a pretty girl. I hope you enjoy college. love ya, miss you.
Auntie Lynn

Amanda said...

Wow, I'm so glad her and Linz have stayed friends all these years. Happy Birthday Miss Katey!!

Kathryn said...

Thanks everyone! And Thanks mom! I didn't realize how crazy I was until i read this post. But, I'm ok with that.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous girl, Happy Birthday from your long lost...cousin?...:)
I love all the fun photos!!

Sean, Stacey and McKenzie said...

Happy Birthday Katey!

Laura Kae Brandler said...

Happy Birthday Honey! Sorry to post so late, my comp. is down. Hope you had a wonderful day.
Auntie Laura

Sean, Stacey and McKenzie said...

Remember when we went to Wicked for your Birthday last year? That was so much fun!